
  • Descriptive Statistics

    Descriptive statistics are methods of describing the characteristics of a data set. It includes calculating things such as the average of the data, its spread and the shape it produces. It involves describing, summarizing and organizing the data so it can be easily understood.…

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    Descriptive Statistics
  • How RACI Matrix Streamlines Stakeholder Engagement

    Also known as Role Matrix, RACI Chart and ARCI Matrix. Variants include Responsibility Assignment Matrix, Linear Responsibility Chart, and RASCI. When multiple individuals collaborate on a particular project for example, it is easy to assume that someone else is taking care of an activity…

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    How RACI Matrix Streamlines Stakeholder Engagement
  • Lean Concept of Value

    Also known as VA NVA Analysis and Value-Added Analysis. Variants include Waste Analysis. Oftentimes, we tend to create additional steps to a process in order to fix a problem or enhance a situation. Over time, these additional activities become an established part of the…

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    Lean Concept of Value
  • Lean Concept of Waste

    Also known as the Eight Wastes and the Eight Deadly Wastes and the eight forms of waste. Variants include the Seven Wastes. Within a Lean culture, waste is anything that doesn’t add value from the customer’s perspective. It includes activities that consume resources, increase…

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    Lean Concept of Waste
  • RAID Log Template

    A RAID log is a project management tool that is used to store several project information in one place. It allows project managers to track Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies, making it a useful document in regular project meetings and when conducting audits. This…

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    RAID Log Template
  • Risk Analysis

    Risk Analysis is a process that helps identify and assess potential threats that could affect the success of a business or project. It allows to examine the risks and includes means to measure, mitigate and control them effectively. It is part of the larger…

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    Risk Analysis
  • Applying the PDCA Cycle: A Blueprint for Continuous Improvement

    Also known as Shewhart Cycle and Deming Wheel. Variants include PDSA Cycle and OPDCA. The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle (PDCA Cycle) is a four-step model for systematic problem solving and continuous improvement. It offers a simple and structured way for resolving business-related issues and creating positive…

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    Applying the PDCA Cycle: A Blueprint for Continuous Improvement
  • Value Stream Mapping: A Visual Approach to Process Optimization

    Also known as Material and Information Flow Analysis and Value Stream Analysis. A Value Stream Map (VSM) is a high-level visual representation of a business process. It helps to understand the flow of value through the process as perceived by the customer. The primary…

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    Value Stream Mapping: A Visual Approach to Process Optimization
  • Visual Management Audit Checklist

    Visual Management is a technique that uses information displays, visual controls, labels and signs, color coding and other markings instead of written instructions. This visual management audit checklist serves as a tool to pinpoint and address compliance gaps within your workplace. An effective audit…

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    Visual Management Audit Checklist
  • Process Chart Template

    A process chart is a visual representation showing the sequence of activities within a process. This type of process map is preferable when documenting sequential processes that contain few decision points. This process chart template allows to record the steps of any given process…

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    Process Chart Template
  • The Role of Fishbone Diagram in Analyzing Cause and Effect

    Also known as Ishikawa Diagram, Cause and Effect Diagram and Fishbone Analysis. Variants include Tree Diagram. A fishbone diagram is one of the various techniques available for conducting cause-and-effect analyses. It provides a structured way to identify and organize the potential causes contributing to…

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    The Role of Fishbone Diagram in Analyzing Cause and Effect
  • Putting Prioritization Matrix into Practice for Effective Decision-Making

    Also known as Decision Matrix, Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis and Weighted Criteria Matrix. Variants include Pugh Matrix and Pairwise Comparison Matrix. Many real-life decision-making situations have several conflicting criteria that need to be considered simultaneously. Traditionally, these complexities are often dealt with through the…

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    Putting Prioritization Matrix into Practice for Effective Decision-Making