Commitment to occupational health and safety is considered an important step toward achieving safe and productive working conditions. A safety audit checklist is a tool that helps evaluating the safety conditions and practices within in any workplace and in accordance with common safety standards and regulations. This tool lists the safety criteria to be met in order to better address compliance gaps, providing opportunities to improve the overall safety conditions.
This safety audit checklist is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can modify to address the specific requirements of your organization. It can easily be modified to include additional checklist items based on your work environment, as this one was specifically designed for manufacturing operations. It is divided into two different sections; one that is designed for operational workplaces in general, and another that is more useful for the manufacturing and construction operations.
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Safety Audit Checklist (24 KB)
Safety Audit Checklist – Basic (200 KB)
Safety Audit Checklist – Advanced (200 KB)
Safety Audit Checklist – Basic (20 KB)
Safety Maturity Assessment
The following template is an extension of the above safety audit checklist and uses the same eight-dimensional model. After you fill out the eight sections with your audit findings, the results will be thoughtfully presented on a radar chart in the ‘Results’ worksheet. Other worksheets have also been provided for storing all photos taken during the audit, registering all potential good and best practices, and identifying necessary corrective actions to improve safety.
Safety Maturity Assessment Template – $15.95
Version 1.1 – Six-dimensional model – 78 checklist items – Results are presented in a radar chart – 2 approaches: Yes/No and rating scales – 0.55 MB
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