This Lean audit checklist can be used to evaluate the progress of Lean implementation within any facility. It allows to understand the strong areas as well as the areas that need to be improved. An action plan for improvement can then be developed and implemented.
This checklist uses a six-dimensional model that covers key areas of Lean implementation which includes leadership, support systems, value stream, continuous improvement, Lean techniques, and standard work. It is important to note that Lean audits can be conducted on a periodic basis such as annually, or as needed.
This template is a Microsoft Excel document which can be used and modified to suit your specific needs. For example, you may add, modify or delete any criteria in any section. You may also include new sections if needed such as 5S, TPM and visual management. The template allows to evaluate Lean progress using two methods: one involving the rating of criteria on a scale from 0 to 4, and the other requires a simple yes or no response.
Lean Audit Checklist (24 KB)
Lean Audit Checklist (24 KB)
Simple Lean Audit Checklist (20 KB)
Lean Audit Checklist (200 KB)
Simple Lean Audit Checklist (200 KB)
Lean Maturity Assessment
This template is an extension of the above Lean audit checklist and uses the same six-dimensional model. After filling out the six sections with the audit findings, the results will be displayed on a radar chart in the Results worksheet. Additional worksheets are provided for storing audit photos, documenting potential good and best practices, and identifying corrective actions to improve the current situation.
Lean Maturity Assessment Template – $15.95
Version 1.1 – Six-dimensional model – 57 checklist items – Results are presented in a radar chart – 2 approaches: Yes/No and rating scales – 0.42 MB
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