
  • Lean Audit Checklist

    This Lean audit checklist can be used to evaluate the progress of Lean implementation within any facility. It allows to understand the strong areas as well as the areas that need to be improved. An action plan for improvement can then be developed and…

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    Lean Audit Checklist
  • Simplifying Complexity: How the Four Fields Matrix Reshapes Thinking

    Also known as Four Quadrant Matrix, Four Celled Matrix and Two-by-Two Matrix. The Four-Field Matrix is an effective model for planning, organizing and making decisions. It is a two-dimensional chart that consists of four equal-sized quadrants, each describes a different aspect of information. This…

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    Simplifying Complexity: How the Four Fields Matrix Reshapes Thinking
  • Graphical Analysis

    Graphing the data can be utilized for both historical data already available and when analyzing the data resulting from live data collection activities. Of course, you need to pick the right graphical tool as there are a lot of different ways to plot your…

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    Graphical Analysis
  • Force Field Analysis Template

    The main idea behind the force field analysis technique is to identify the forces that help or hinder an organization in reaching a particular goal or intended change. This decision-making methodology is particularly valuable for leaders and change agents to analyze the pros and…

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    Force Field Analysis Template
  • Four Field Matrix Template

    A four-field matrix is an effective model for planning, organizing and decision-making. This two-dimensional chart provides a logical framework for organizing ideas and information. This four quadrants matrix template is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation file that you can use and modify to meet your…

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    Four Field Matrix Template
  • Responsibility Log

    A responsibility log template allows team leaders to track the duties and responsibilities of their team members. It can be used when managing projects to ensure everyone knows what they’re responsible for. It is also useful as a delegation log where responsibilities are delegated…

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    Responsibility Log
  • Project Closure: The Final Activity in Project Management

    Projects are time-bound by nature, necessitating execution within predefined timeframes. The Project Closing phase is the final step of the project life cycle and holds considerable significance in the context of organizational accountability. It is, however, one of the most overlooked project management activities.…

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    Project Closure: The Final Activity in Project Management
  • Prioritization Matrix Template

    The main idea behind the prioritization matrix is to compare and select the optimal alternative from a set of options. A basic prioritization matrix consists of a list of criteria options and the alternatives currently under consideration. Start by placing the criteria in the…

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    Prioritization Matrix Template
  • Skills Matrix Template

    The main idea behind the skills matrix is to evaluate the skillset of a team. It allows to identify the missing skills that are essential for the successful completion of a given task or project. To utilize this template effectively, start by listing the…

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    Skills Matrix Template
  • Introduction to 5S: A Journey towards Workplace Excellence

    Also known as Five S and Workplace Organization. Variants include 6S. The 5S methodology is an improvement tool for organizing and maintaining a disciplined and productive workplace. It facilitates the creation of a better working environment by reducing waste while improving efficiency, safety and…

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    Introduction to 5S: A Journey towards Workplace Excellence
  • Daily Self-Evaluation Template

    Whether you are a parent, a student, an employee, a community member, or any combination of these roles, evaluating yourself by the end of the day tells a lot about the kind of person you are. Self-evaluation is an important first step in being…

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    Daily Self-Evaluation Template
  • Data Collection Plan Template

    The main reason behind a data collection plan is to provide a focused approach to data collection for any given study or project. It helps specify the objective of the data collection, what data is needed, how to collect it, and who will collect…

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    Data Collection Plan Template