
  • Box Plot Template

    A box plot is a graphical representation that illustrates the frequency of numeric data values for a given variable. This visualization indicates where most of the data is grouped and how much variation there is in the data. Box plots are particularly useful when…

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    Box Plot Template
  • The Role of Box Plots in Comparing Multiple Data Sets

    Also known as Box-and-Whisker Plot and Whisker Plot. A box plot is a graphical representation that shows the frequency of numeric data values. It is mainly used for exploring data patterns as well as to present the data in an easy and understandable manner. Box plots…

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    The Role of Box Plots in Comparing Multiple Data Sets
  • The Role of Histograms in Exploring Data Insights

    Also known as Frequency Distribution Diagram. Variants include Dot Plot and Pareto Chart. One of the best methods for analyzing any process involves the graphical representation of data through the utilization of graphs or charts. Among these graphical tools is the histogram, which is…

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    The Role of Histograms in Exploring Data Insights
  • Histogram Template

    A histogram is a bar chart used to show how data is distributed. It provides insights into the central tendency of the data and the degree of variability presented in the process. This histogram template is designed to enter up to 100 individual data…

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    Histogram Template
  • Scatter Diagram Template

    A scatter diagram is a graph that facilitates the visualization of the relationship between two variables. Its primary purpose is to check if changes in one variable are associated with changes in the other variable. For example, a scatter diagram can be plotted to…

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    Scatter Diagram Template
  • Value Stream Map Template

    A value stream map is a strategic tool that provides a high-level view of the important elements of an end-to-end operational process. Its primary goal is to identify waste and areas where improvement can be made in the current workflow. It is mainly used…

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    Value Stream Map Template
  • Process Yield Calculator

    Process yield measures are metrics used to better understand process yield. These metrics should be able to reveal even the smallest inefficiencies in the process in to order to improve process efficiency and capability. The primary objective of process yield measures is to assess…

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    Process Yield Calculator
  • SIPOC Map Template

    A SIPOC map is a tool that provides a high-level view of the key elements within a business process. It is widely used in process design and improvement initiatives, such as Six Sigma, to clearly define the scope of process improvement projects. SIPOC is an…

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    SIPOC Map Template
  • Annual Calendar Template

    Annual calendar | Annual calendar 2 A Gantt Chart is a way to graphically show progress of a project. It outlines all activities involved in a project and illustrates other project-related information such as the start and finish dates of activities, completion percentages, etc.…

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  • Process Map Template

    A process map is a graphical representation for understanding any process. Process maps are simple ways of making sense of what happens or should happen in a clear and straightforward format. There are many software applications and online services for drawing process maps. However,…

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    Process Map Template
  • What is a Process

    The products and services delivered by any organization are outcomes of processes. Any business activity whether it is industrial, commercial or service-oriented can be considered as a process. Effective management of these processes is key for organizational success. A process can be defined is…

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    What is a Process
  • Flowchart Template

    A flowchart is a diagram that illustrates the sequential steps of a process. It allows to draw the movement of materials, products, people, documents, and other elements, aiding in the understanding, analysis, and communication of the process. There are many software applications and online…

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    Flowchart Template