
Traffic Light Assessment — Visual Management - Andon
Andon display uses traffic light signals to communicate production information on the shop floor.
RAID Log — Traffic Light Assessment
A RAID dashboard which summarizes the details of a supply chain project.
RAID Log — Traffic Light Assessment
A RAID log which summarizes the details of a supply chain project.
RAID log example.
Project Closure
Project closure template example.
Project Charter
Project charter template example.
Pugh Matrix — Traffic Light Assessment — Matrix Diagram
Example of a pugh matrix to select the best concept from among three alternatives.
Importance Urgency Matrix — Four Field Matrix
Personal activities sorted in the importance urgency matrix.
Importance Urgency Matrix — Four Field Matrix
Job-related activities sorted in the importance urgency matrix.
SWOT — Four Field Matrix
The four quadrant matrix is used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in any business strategic planning.
Importance Urgency Matrix — Four Field Matrix
The four quadrant matrix is used to prioritize work and personal activities based on the Eisenhower method.
Power Interest Matrix — Four Field Matrix
The four quadrant matrix is used to classify stakeholders according to the power they hold and how likely they are to be interested in a project.
Project Prioritization Matrix — Four Field Matrix
The four quadrant matrix is used to select the projects that will have the greatest impact with the least amount of money, time or effort.
Project Methodology Matrix — Four Field Matrix
The four quadrant matrix is used to select the appropriate methodology for problem solving and process improvement.
In this example, a team worked together to generate ideas for enhancing digital marketing strategies within a company based on two criteria: cost and relevancy.
Project Prioritization Matrix — Four Field Matrix
This example shows how relationship maps can be used to analyze the indirect influence patterns between team members in order to enhance the interactions and mutual acceptance

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