
Process Map
This is an example of a process map that illustrates the process for equipment installation. Notice the two rework loops to indicate the activities that are repeated.
Process Map
This is an example of a process map for doing the laundry in the old fashioned way (the washer and dryer are separated).
Process Map
This is a process map for making orange juice. This process may be part of a larger process (e.g. preparing breakfast). Also, each step can be decomposed further (e.g. you may describe how to peel and slice the oranges).
Process Map
An example of a process map for repairing a defective unit after received by a customer. Notice that there is only one process step which has been mapped to a second level.
Process Map
An example of a process map that illustrates the process for making two-piece aluminum beverage cans. The process begins with preparing the aluminum coil and ends with palletizing the cans.
Process Map
The purpose of this example is to help identify all possible sources of variation that could have an influence on the performance of the process (expense payment for employees). Note that there are only two factors that could be adjusted.
Process Map
This process map shows the steps required to make coffee drink. Note that there are only eight controllable factors that could be adjusted to influence the quality and taste of the coffee.
Process Map
This is called a time-function process map, which is a process map with the time added on one axis and the function on the other axis. It is useful to identify and reduce the waiting times.
Process Map
More information can be displayed in process maps using this tabular format, including the time it takes to perform each activity, the responsible person for each activity, input variables, KPI’s, etc.
Process Map — Flowchart
This is an example of a flowchart that illustrates the process for making a cup of tea. Cycle time here is the time needed to prepare the cup of tea.
Process Map — Flowchart
This is an example of a flowchart that illustrates the process for preparing reports for decision makers. Notice how the performance indicators that need to be tracked were added above three of the steps.
Process Map — Flowchart — SMED
This is an example of a flowchart that was created for a changeover operation (size conversion) for a production line.
Process Map — Flowchart
This example illustrates a cross-functional flowchart for acquiring new equipment by a company’s business unit.
Process Map — Flowchart — Value Analysis — Waste Analysis
This opportunity flowchart illustrates the use of an office copy machine. Regularly cleaning the glass and checking the availability of papers are examples of ideas to improve this process.
Process Map — Flowchart
This flowchart shows the process used to process an order from the time the sales takes the order until the product is shipped from the warehouse.

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