
Histogram — Graphical Methods —Minitab
In this histogram, the distribution of the data is skewed to the right.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods
A box plot can be drawn either horizontally or vertically.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods
A box plot is also referred to as a Box-and-Whisker Plot as it displays the data in a box-and-whiskers format.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods
A box plot may show key statistics such as the median of the data, maximum and minimum values, as well as the lower and upper quartiles.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods
The data is plotted in a box plot in such away that the bottom 25% and the top 25% of the data points are represented by the two whiskers, whereas the middle 50% of the data points are represented by the box.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods
Box plots are most useful when comparing between several data sets. They allow you to compare the central tendency as well as the variability of multiple data sets.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods — Histogram
Box plots are most useful when comparing between several data sets. They are less detailed than histograms, and take up less space which make them easier to compare.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods
Box plots can tell if the distribution is symmetrical or skewed. In a symmetric distribution, the mean and median are nearly the same, and the two whiskers has almost the same length.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods — Sampling
Box plots are ideal to represent moderate to large amount of data. The size of the box plot can vary significantly if the data size is small.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods —Minitab
The following are boxplots that display the yield of a crop after applying two different fertilizers. Fertilizer 2 appears to have a higher yield than Fertilizer 1.
Box Plot — Graphical Methods —Minitab
This example shows that females have higher glucose levels than males in a workplace. ANOVA can be used here to test the significance of the difference between the two means.
Histogram — Box Plot — Graphical Methods
Both histograms and boxplots allow to visually assess the central tendency, the amount of variation in the data as well as the presence of gaps, outliers or unusual data points.
Histogram — Box Plot — Minitab — Graphical Methods
Many statistical applications allow the option of summarizing your data graphically. This can reveal unusual observations before performing detailed statistical analysis.
Scatter Diagram — Correlation — Graphical Methods
Scatter diagrams can indicate several types of correlation.
Scatter Diagram — Stratification — Graphical Methods — Correlation
You can indicate a stratification factor in the scatter diagram.

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