
Kano Analysis
Customer expectations change over time. This requires to update the Kano model regularly. Today’s delighters are the must be of tomorrow.
Gap Analysis
This example illustrates the steps that have been followed to analyze why it takes too long for the food to be served in a restaurant. A fishbone analysis was conducted to identify the causes of the slow service delivery.
Gap Analysis
This example illustrates the steps that have been followed to analyze why it takes too long for the food to be served in a restaurant. A fishbone analysis was conducted to identify the causes of the slow service delivery.
Gap Analysis
This example illustrates the steps that have been followed to analyze why it takes too long for the food to be served in a restaurant. A fishbone analysis was conducted to identify the causes of the slow service delivery.
Gap Analysis
This example illustrates the steps that have been taken to analyze the high spoilage rate at one of the production lines in a factory.
Gap Analysis
This example illustrates the steps that have been taken to analyze the high spoilage rate at one of the production lines in a factory.
Gap Analysis
This example illustrates the steps taken to analyze the reasons behind the low audit score after conducting an external audit.
Improvement Roadmap
This is an example of an improvement roadmap template in its simplest format which contains only four sections.
Improvement Roadmap
An improvement roadmap template in its simplest format contains only four sections (improvement categories, current condition, milestones and targets, and performance metrics).
Improvement Roadmap
An improvement roadmap template in its simplest format contains only four sections (improvement categories, current condition, milestones and targets, and performance metrics).
Improvement Roadmap
This example illustrates an improvement roadmap that was created to improve throughput and efficiency in a workplace.
Improvement Roadmap
This example illustrates a short time frame improvement roadmap which has been created for the non-operational functions (human resources and customer services).
Improvement Roadmap
This example illustrates a short time frame improvement roadmap which has been created for the non-operational functions (human resources and customer services).
Improvement Roadmap
This is an example of an improvement roadmap that was created to improve the shipping and warehouse department at a manufacturing company.
SWOT Analysis — Four Field Matrix
This example uses a four-field matrix to present the outcome of a SWOT analysis for an organization.

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