
Process Map — Flowchart
This is an example of a flowchart that was created by an IT department to help in designing and documenting computer programs. Notice the use of ‘technical’ shapes other than the basic ones.
Force Field Analysis
An example that uses Force Field Analysis to decide whether to employ an internal or an external consultant.
Force Field Analysis
An example that uses Force Field Analysis to decide whether to implement a content management system or not.
RAID log example.
RAID Log — Traffic Light Assessment
A RAID dashboard which summarizes the details of a supply chain project.
RAID Log — Traffic Light Assessment
A RAID log which summarizes the details of a supply chain project.
Skills Matrix — Traffic Light Assessment
A worksheet that uses the traffic light colors to assess the skills of employees and training needs.
Project Closure
Project closure template example.
Project Charter
Project charter template example.
In this example, a team worked together to generate ideas for enhancing digital marketing strategies within a company based on two criteria: cost and relevancy.
Importance Urgency Matrix — Four Field Matrix
Personal activities sorted in the importance urgency matrix.
Importance Urgency Matrix — Four Field Matrix
Job-related activities sorted in the importance urgency matrix.
In this example, a team has selected the most appropriate improvement projects based on two important criteria: project impact and the level of effort required.
Paired Comparison — Matrix Diagram
An example that uses the paired comparison analysis to decide how to spend a summer holiday. Here, the highest rank is the third option, that is, spending time with family.
Paired Comparison — Matrix Diagram
This is an example that uses the paired comparison analysis to identify and rank the top motivators for a team.
This example is a visual representation of a brainstorming exercise conducted to explore new ways to enhance employee engagement and motivation in a workplace.

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