
Paired Comparison — Matrix Diagram
This is an example that uses the paired comparison analysis to identify and rank the top motivators for a team.
Force Field Analysis
An example that uses Force Field Analysis to decide whether to employ an internal or an external consultant.
Force Field Analysis
An example that uses Force Field Analysis to decide whether to implement a content management system or not.
Mind Map
An example of a mind map that was created to help remembering the continuous improvement tools and techniques.
Mind Map
This is a mind map that was created to organize ideas for how to improve mood and boost morale.
Mind Map
An example of a mind map that was created to help remembering personal development tools and techniques.
The use the three-point identification system in 5S (rack-row-column). You may also include aisles in the identification.
The use of a duty schedule in 5S to show which tasks must be performed, when, and by whom.
The use of a red tag as a labeling tool in the Sorting phase in 5S.
Traffic Light Assessment — Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart that uses the traffic light colors to indicate the status of activities and milestones in a project.
Traffic Light Assessment — Visual Management
A map that uses the traffic light colors to indicate the areas which have the most safety incidents resulted in lost time.
Skills Matrix — Traffic Light Assessment
A worksheet that uses the traffic light colors to assess the skills of employees and training needs.
5S — Traffic Light Assessment — Visual Management
The use of colors and labels to define inventory levels and reorder triggers.
Divide the workplace into zones and allocate people to take charge of each zone.
Dividing the workplace into zones in 5S and allocate people to take charge of each zone.
5S — Check Sheets
A Machine cleaning/lubrication check sheet is an example of standardization in 5S

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