Time Value Map Template

Time Value Map Template
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A time value map is a tool to visualize the allocation of value-added and non-value-added time within a process. In this graphical representation, all activities are plotted as bars proportional to their time values along a horizontal timeline. Only value-added activities are plotted above the timeline while all other activities are plotted below. This time value map template is useful for examining where time is wasted in any given process.

This template runs in Microsoft Excel, and you can use and modify it to meet your specific needs. For example, you may want to add additional rows if your process includes more than eighteen steps. Furthermore, you may specify the type of activities whether they are operations, transportation, inspections, delays, or storage.

In addition to displaying the time value map, this template also generates a stacked bar chart that facilitates a comparative analysis of value-added versus non-value-added time. Please help us to make this template better by providing us with your comments and suggestions.

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