The result of collecting the voice of the customer information can be presented in a Kano diagram.
Each Kano diagram (and for each product or service) should be kept and saved with the specific date, decisions, and notes.
Customer expectations change over time. This requires to update the Kano model regularly. Today’s delighters are the must be of tomorrow.
This tree structure is the outcome of a brainstorming session to identify all the possible PESTLE factors.
An affinity exercise can be broken down into three basic steps: collecting, grouping and labeling.
These hints could be helpful when constructing an affinity diagram.
These are examples of internal and external stakeholders for an organization.
These are examples of stakeholders for a particular project.
The first step in stakeholder analysis is to identify the stakeholders of the project or change effort and group them into logical categories (e.g. external stakeholders, process team, etc.).
There are four groups of stakeholders according to the power-interest matrix, which are: key players, context setters, defenders and crowd.
You may select one of the four prioritization matrix template formats for your prioritization analysis.
Final yield (FY) is widely used yield metric that is easy to calculate. This is an example of a 3-step process map which has a final yield equals that is equal to 90%.
Histograms allow to visually assess the shape of the distribution, the central tendency, the amount of variation in the data, as well as the presence of gaps, outliers or unusual data points.
Histograms can be helpful to identify whether variability is within specification limits, whether the process is capable, and whether there is a shift in the process over time.
Histograms are ideal to represent moderate to large amount of data. A histogram may not accurately display the distribution shape if the data size is too small.