
  • Mapping Customer Expectations through Kano Analysis

    Also known as Kano Modelling and Kano Mapping. Customer needs and expectations are dynamic and keep changing over time. This requires companies to revise and assess these needs from time to time to adapt to the changing environment. The Kano analysis is a valuable…

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    Mapping Customer Expectations through Kano Analysis
  • Kaizen Report Template

    A Kaizen report is a form that documents and summarizes continuous improvement activities. It is used to share improvements and best practices across an organization, division or group. There are many ways to share Kaizen reports including public display boards, dedicated Kaizen bulletin boards,…

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    Kaizen Report Template
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    Performance management is an approach used to manage performance of an organization. It can play an important role in the success or failure of a business. It can be applied to measure the performance of an organization, a business unit, a single department, a…

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    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Template

    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a risk analysis tool that can be used to identify the points at which the process may fail. It is a structured method that helps identifying potential failure modes, what causes them, and their consequences. It then…

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    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Template
  • Questionnaires

    A survey is a data collection method used to gather information from a selected group of people. It is used to collect written or verbal information in an organized and objective manner. A survey involves all aspects of the research process including: survey design…

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  • Control Plan Template

    A control plan is a document that outlines the essential measures required to maintain a process at its optimal level following an improvement initiative. It helps ensuring that the improvements achieved will not deteriorate once the improved process is handed back to its owners.…

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    Control Plan Template
  • How Force Field Analysis Enhances Decision-Making and Team Engagement

    Also known as Positive Negative Forces Analysis. Variants include Decision Balance Sheet, Force Field Theory of Change and Conflict Analysis. Force Field Analysis is a basic decision-making technique that is used to analyze the underlying forces behind any decision. Better decision-making outcomes are typically…

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    How Force Field Analysis Enhances Decision-Making and Team Engagement
  • From Goals to Actions: Uncovering the Key Components of Improvement Roadmaps

    Variants include Maturity Models. Our long-term continuous improvement effort can be complicated and a never-ending journey. In such situations, having a map can always be helpful to find the destinations and plan the best routes. A business roadmap is a map that displays business-related…

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    From Goals to Actions: Uncovering the Key Components of Improvement Roadmaps
  • Quality Function Deployment Template

    The main idea behind the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is to translate customer needs into technical features that align with these requirements. It is a structured methodology for using customer feedback to guide product development. This method is often applied in areas such as…

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    Quality Function Deployment Template
  • Choosing the Best Alternative Using the Pugh Matrix Method

    Also known as Pugh Method, Decision Matrix, and Criteria Based Matrix. Variants include Solution Desirability Matrix and Pairwise Comparison Matrix. The Pugh Matrix is a decision-making method used to compare and select the optimal choice from a set of alternatives. This method helps determining…

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    Choosing the Best Alternative Using the Pugh Matrix Method
  • Gantt Chart Template

    A Gantt chart is a way to graphically represent progress of any given project. It effectively outlines all involved activities and illustrates other project details such as activity start and end dates, completion percentages, responsible individuals, and more. Gantt charts are useful in keeping…

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    Gantt Chart Template
  • Check Sheets

    Check sheets are manual data collection forms used to collect data in real time at the location where the data is generated. They can be used on a temporary basis (for example during a project) or be established for routine activities. They enable faster…

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    Check Sheets